Seating confirmation of a wafer (center coordinates detection)

Detect the center coordinates of a wafer. With conventional machine vision, the edge could not be recognized accurately in some cases due to the influence of the notch or background. As a result, the wafer center was detected incorrectly.

A virtual circle can be drawn based on the partial arc of the wafer to allow detecting the center coordinates of the wafer. This ensures accurate confirmation of the seating position. The Trend edge function improves the accuracy of the positioning by increasing the measured points to up to 5,000. It is also possible to count wafers or check inclination simultaneously. An ultra-compact camera is also available, which solves the problem of installation location.

Inspecting the appearance of display devices

Inspect display devices. Conventionally, an area camera was used for appearance inspection of display devices. The inspection was unstable due to frequent lighting unevenness.

Line scan cameras allow inspection over large areas under the same lighting conditions. This significantly improves the stability of appearance inspection of LCD panels that are easily affected by lighting unevenness. In conventional systems, replacing an area camera with a line scan camera required checking compatibility with existing instruments, changing settings, and programming. Line scan cameras can be used the same way as area cameras. Since the mixed use of area cameras and line scan cameras is also possible, the system can flexibly adapt to changes in the specifications in the future.

Inspecting the presence/orientation of targets on a tray

To perform inspection over a wide field of view such as inspection for presence/orientation of targets on a tray, you had to divide the inspection range and use multiple area cameras to capture images individually. This increased both takt and cost.

Replacing the area cameras with a line scan camera eliminates the need to divide the inspection range and reduces takt and cost. The need to move the cameras is also eliminated. This allows significant savings of the labor for robot control and changeover work. Since the Mstar solutions supports both area cameras and line scan cameras, equipment replacement can be reduced to a minimum.

Inspecting the color of solar cells

Image processing has been used for color inspection of solar cells. It was difficult to apply lighting evenly, resulting in incorrect detection. Visual inspection was also performed as a countermeasure, but the differentiation criteria varied depending on the personnel and it was difficult to ensure consistent product quality.

Even when the lighting is uneven, Fine Color Processing by the Mstar solutions allows detection of color changes only, by ignoring brightness information. This effectively prevents the risk of the outflow of defective products and increases the efficiency of the inspection to achieve productivity improvement.

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